Grisela Jackson will take Ben Klebans’ place on the Orleans Parish School Board

NEW ORLEANS – (June 11, 2020) – At the Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) board business meeting on Thursday, June 11, the OPSB elected Grisela Jackson to take the District 5 seat on the board. District 5 covers parts of the Lower Garden District, Uptown and Central City. The seat became available for assignment following current District 5 board member Ben Kleban’s announcement that he will be resigning from his seat in June as his family is moving out of state.

“I would like to welcome Grisela Jackson to our board and I am grateful for her interest in working alongside myself and my fellow board members with dedication and respect on behalf of our City’s children.” said OPSB President Ethan Ashley. “I look forward to seeing how she will contribute to the Orleans Parish School Board and District 5, especially during this critical and trying time for our students and schools.”

“I am pleased that our board identified a new member this evening to support our work and I very much look forward to working closely with Grisela Jackson in the coming months as we work together to serve the students and families,” said NOLA-PS Superintendent Dr. Henderson Lewis Jr.

JJackson is a mother, pastor’s wife and businesswoman with a passion for education and a love for children. Endeavoring to bring back quality public school education for all the children of our city, she led the efforts to restart and rebuild Lawrence D. Crocker Elementary School with support and involvement from members of the Historic Second Baptist Church and other committed residents from the community. A native of Puerto Rico and a New Orleanian since the age of eight, she is a product of Orleans Parish public schools.

The board welcomes Jackson in her new role and looks forward to working together to advocate for the students and families of NOLA Public Schools. Jackson’s term will run through the board elections in November.

ABOUT NOLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS: NOLA Public Schools is the public school district for Orleans Parish, which includes the district’s elected school board, known as the Orleans Parish School Board and the district’s administration led by NOLA Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Henderson Lewis Jr. NOLA Public Schools currently oversees 78 public schools. For more information, visit // For updates, follow NOLA Public Schools on Facebook @NOLAPublicSchools, Instagram @nolapsand Twitter @NOLAPSchools.  